The Great Digital Nomad Survey

If you are living the lifestyle of a Digital Nomad (Traveller, Remote Worker, Influencer, Normal Nomad, Freelancer, Entrepreneur, etc.) you are very welcomed to do our anonymous survey.

The data will be used to compare the lifestyle and the ecological footprint of a digital nomad to a normal living person and will be used in the research paper: Lifestyle LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of Digital Nomads.

As a thank you, you can place your email address at the end and Fabian will deliver the finished paper to you for free!

Get the completed Master's Thesis, including the results, as well as one of the most recent scientific literature reviews on the phenomenon of digital nomads.

    Digital Nomad Footprint Calculator

    Our long term goal after the survey:

    We will later convert the current survey into a footprint calculator for digital nomads (does not yet exist) and continue to research the entire topic in relation to our lifestyle